The US Department of Veterans Affairs operates America’s largest integrated health care system with over 1,700 sites of care, serving 8.76 million veterans each year. Operating and maintaining such a large portfolio presents a significant financial challenge. One such example is the The Veterans Administration Medical Center located in Omaha, Nebraska. The VA’s own planning report describes it as a facility that “no longer meets Veterans’ needs.” With construction of a new Omaha veterans hospital years away, VA officials are strategically shoring up the aging buildings.
In 2014, VAMC Omaha’s Facilities Management were faced with emergency replacement of several “end of life” roof sections. The challenge was how to replace high rise roof assemblies with minimal disruption to medical operations. Pilot projects utilizing pressure equalized roof replacement technology were successful. In 2016, a design professional was engaged to specify and bid a comprehensive upgrade utilizing this advanced technology. A key strategy was the construction of moisture mitigation capabilities allowing the VAMC to recover and recycle 100% of existing insulation materials. The roofs were designed to be more cost effective, highly weather resistance while minimizing waste stream.
New roof assemblies are designed and installed to achieve:
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