In April 2015, after extensive community conversations, the Lone Jack C-6 School District was successful in the passage of a $2.7M bond issue. Under the direction and guidance of the Board of Education and the district’s superintendent, the bond funds were maximized to address all of the promised improvements and more. Roof replacements were a significant part of the project.
Fortunately, the Board of Education was both engaged and knowledgeable of building construction. The consensus was to construct roof assemblies which would be impervious to major weather, energy efficient while achieving 30 to 40 year life expectancy – no more 15 year rated roof assemblies! As part of the effort, WindSmart assisted the district’s design consultant and construction managers in a supportive role. Through a process of detailed analysis, specific recommendations, options and budgets were provided. In the end, the district and the design consultant specified pressure equalization technology to achieve the stated goals. Both projects (high school and elementary) were competitively bid and then successfully implemented during the 2015 summer break.
The projects were developed to achieve cost-effective and long-lasting roof assemblies, including:
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